Collection: Tiefenfeuchtigkeit Night cream Description

A long-lasting night cream that nourishes the skin with essential nutrients and regenerates it. On the basis of pure CBD, the night cream is used and enhances its appearance and texture. Angerichert with Citystem™, a natural material, the main purpose of the night with the Entgiftung und Regeneration unterstützt. In combination with Niacinamid (Vitamin B3), the overall health of the body and Aloe Vera provide better comfort. Die Zugabe von Hyaluronsäure spendet der Haut Feuchtigkeit, während natürliches Hanfsamenöl, Sheabutter, Mandelöl, Squalan und Inca-Öl (a rich Quelle von Omega 3 & 6) die Haut vor Wasserverlust schützen. This ensures better results for brightening, radiant and smooth complexion.