Collection: Data protection line

Data protection line

Update update: [DATE]

  1. Einleitung

Willkommen bei [Ihr Firmenname] („wir“, „uns“ or „unser“). We respect our privacy and security, and our personal data are safe. This data protection policy informs you about your personal data regarding your website under [your website URL] (the "Website") and informs you about your data protection rights and legal protection.

Bitte verwenden Sie das Glossar, om die Bedeutung einiger in dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie verwendeter Begriffe zu verstehen.

  1. Wichtige Informationen und Wer wir sind

2.1 Zweck dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie

This data protection policy will provide you with information that you can use for your personal information on your website and work on it, so that you can subscribe to your newsletter and receive a product or service ufen oder an einem Wettbewerb teilnehmen.

2.2 Contact information

Unsere fulleständigen Kontaktdaten since:

Full name of the legal person: [Ihr full firm name]

E-Mail Address: [Ihre E-Mail Address]

Postal address: [Ihre Postadresse]

Telephone number: [Ihre Telefonnummer]

  1. Die Daten, die wir über Sie erheben

We can differ from the arts of personal data about their lives, experiences, special needs and other needs, which we follow in their lives:

Identity data ... Contact data ... Financial data ... Transaction data ... Technical data ... Profile data ... Business data ... Marketing and communication data ...

  1. Who wants to be spoiled with personal dating?

We are spoiled by our personal relationships and dating now, and we are happy with it. In the most recent times we are spoiled with personal care Dating in the following circumstances:

Wenn wir de Vertrag inheriten Müssen, den wir mit Ihnen eingehen oder eingangsind. If you are not sure, you are interested in your interest (or those interests) so that you are not interested in it. We would like to take care of your health care obligations.

  1. Offenlegung Ihrer Personbezogen Daten

We can share personal relationships with the following parties:

... ...

  1. International Übertraungen

We can share personal data in the European Economic Area (EWR) region. Falls dies der Fall ist, dies wer sich, dass bestimmte Schutzmaßnahmen were affected, in the end ...

  1. Data security

If you have serious health problems, you will be prevented from doing so because your persons are affected by the fact that they have been lost, you are not spoiled by their injuries, changed by your sacrifices. ...

  1. Aufbewahrung der Daten

We are dealing with people who are interested in dating for a long time, who are hereditary, with their health care in mind, who will be happy with their lives, will be happy with their inheritance, will be responsible for reporting obligations. ...

  1. Ihre settled Straight

Unter bestimmten Umständen haben Sie nach de Datenschutzgesetzen Rechte in Bezug auf Ihre personsbezoigen Daten, einschließlich des Rechts auf Zugang, Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung, Übertragung or Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung. ...

  1. Glossar


  1. Other information about data protection regulations and additional information

We can keep this data protection line updated at this time, and we will inform you about other changes, including the date "which will be updated" in the data protection line. ...